Mähdrescher und Turbo Jet Super 12
Für ALLE Jahreszeiten mit TECHNIK-PLUS
TP Turbo Jet Super 8 Ukraine

            TECHNIK-PLUS for ALL Seasons!

  The seeding rate and settings of the seeding machines are possible from 2 kg/ha.
The time required to mount onto a tillage implement with programming
starts from three hours. The expenses are - just the seed cost.

TECHNIK PLUS ALLE Jahreszeiten2018 OKT

The drive for the seed drill comes from the tractor battery.
There is no mechanical drive, which increases the reliability of this machine.
The hopper volume of the seeding machines is 130 to 1,500 liters.

When purchasing our pneumatic seeder, the right choice of control is important
an essential role! For comfortable work, you can choose from three
control units:
Version with PROFI
Stepless adjustment of rotation speed on seed roll motor, blower and seed roll ON/OFF,
ON/OFF-sensor and seed roll control sensor, Display light for blower, cable length 7m
Version with PROFI-SPEED
Fully automatic, seedrate/ha according to driven speed, incl. speed sensor M12 incl.
ON/OFF sensor M30, incl. fan sensor, with audio-alarm, with ha couter, cable length 7m
Version with SEEDER+
Fully automatic, seedrate/ha according to driven speed, incl. speed sensor M18,
incl. ON/OFF sensor M30, incl. fan sensor, with audio-alarm, with ha conter,
cable length 7m

We look forward to your appreciated orders!

Phone (+ 43) 03 472 21120 | WhatsApp: +43 676 848 33150

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Enjoy highest yield and

Front Agram

Spreaders for
comprehensive seeding
of cover crops!
Streuer Professional 130 lit
 Pneumatic seeder
TP Turbo Jet Super 12 Carvidon Service Moldau 


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