TP Turbo Jet Super 8 Ukraine
Für ALLE Jahreszeiten mit TECHNIK-PLUS
Mähdrescher und Turbo Jet Super 12


short info

 Discofix-6,30m disigned as a combination
Pneumatic seeder "Turbo Jet Super 11" injection blower for HC+CO2

 Disco Fix Arbeitsbreite 3m
Unused excrements of animails is seen as a cost factor. Additional animals regulations raise a feeling of uncertain future.
Slurry and manure are very valuable fertilizer in production of feed for milk and meat production.
ATTENTION: When clever used can those “Valuable elements” fully act.
                   When elements are used as it's best way, will quickly improve soil structure, convenient smell of environment,
                   healthy animails with highest achievment from grass results.

CAUTION: When slurry and monure are spreaded on grassland at the easy and traditional method,
                  can only be calculated on a weak action.
                 The outgasing of high percentage of N disappears much profit into the air
                  Poor harvest on valuable grass, rise of weed pressure and for the cattle toxic plants will increase.
Slurry spreaded into grassland, then used for silage etc. in a period shorter than 6 weeks, is creating heavy healthy damage
to the animals. Used this feed for the milking cows produces milk with quite toxic contaminations.

TECHNIK-PLUS optimize the necassary improvements in one path when using DISCO-FIX
- Levelling the grassland
- Cut gaps into the soit in required depth and width (choose best positioning)
- Seeding off grass and clover seed close or into the gap (slit).
- Input of HC+CO2 exhaust gas into slit
- Placement of slurry on 23 outlets onto the slit. (6,3m)
- Accurate distribution of fine milled stone with zeolithe in rates 100-500 kg/ha with flex auger.
- Pneumatic transport with exhaust emmision gas with fine milled stone into the slurry mixer distributor.

  • This method will hold most of Nitrogen, becomes easy flow and becomes neutral smell.
  • The HC+CO2 elements distributed in the slurry, will quickly establish micro organism, which change toxic elements
    (antibiotica, toxic fungis, resedue of cleaning and diesinfection waste) into available elements for the grassland.
  • Now grassland can develop in its best. Animals show highest performance and quality.
  • On field prouced feed offers tasty aroma. Powerfeed can be conserved as well as cost.

Veterinary: who is that? Highest appreciation in reighbarhood and community.

AGRO research from a natural point of view.

Children experience the light on earth.

Starting first day of live, they practise research.

YES – how they can catch as much as possible from the parents. We can practise this principel on every department of research.

A huge value is invested in agro research.

The convenience of farmers and health of consumers is threated as a side aspect.

Health of people and protection of environment has to be the only aim.



Discofix-6,30 m disigned as a combination Pneumatic seeder
"Turbo Jet Super 11" injection outlets, fine milled mineral hopper 500 lit.
23 double disc pairs fitted on spring blades.


3 outlet DM50mm, 3x tower distributor 60mm flexible plastic hose dm 25 mm,
flexible plastic hose dm 25 mm, hopper capacity available 130, 200, 300, 400
500 lit. plastic (transparent) with litre indication screweed lid with seal,
2 x double blower, adjustable seed roll flap, agitator seedrolls
for accurate seedrate
standard seedroll, grass seedroll,
various seedrolls for smal seedrate (please enquire)
seedroll motor single speed,

elektric, 2 x Double fan (4 fan) 5.600 rpm
Control panel in (Driver cabin)
PROFI kontrol unit (as standard):
ON/OFF, sensor, stepless adjustment of seedroll motor speed,
(Adjustment of seedrate); FAN ON/OFF, Seedroll ON/OFF sensor,
seedrollfunction coutnrol sensor, fan control light.
Fully automatic on driven speed, incl. speed sensor,
seedrollfunction countrol sensor, fan control light.
Working widht 6,30m Frame rohr galvaniced or on requist KTL
Primery and powder paint colour (as required)
23 pair discs hydraulic folding frame.
Tractor three-point attachment front and rear.
Possibility to use additional implement
(of example cambridge roller, tine harrow)
levelling bar 120 x 120mm
hight adadjustable 23 sring blades reinforced, 23 pc disc perpendicular
and in driveline angle.
Seed and HC+CO2 brackets to place into gap opened by discs left and right-angled
spring tines to cover seed in the gap.
Additional squre tube, prepared for 23 outlets to place exhaust emmission gas with seed.
All components are designed to order in modules and fit as required.
23 Brackets for discs, 46 discs, 23 seed and HC+CO2 outlets, fiting parts and
metal hoses dm 30mm
to blow HC+CO2 emission fas into soil
Hydraulic driven fan
- 1 inlet tube dm 100 mm with quick coupling
- 3 outlets dm 60mm
  (other no of outlets as per request)
- 1 fan dm 395mm
Hydraulic motor with hoses
(oilflow 15-lit/min. max. 50 lit in the system)
connect leak oil line to tank rohen motor couneted for in line function.
Mounting bracket with metla hose dm 200mm including quickcoupling on fan.
90° elbow with tube on tractor side to be designed local.
Thomas Discofix

Turbo Jet Super 300l

Profi Steuerung M Ohne Hintergrund

Seeder Plus 
Gebläse HCCO2

Diskscheiben 0471

Disk 0549



  • DSC_2216
  • DiscoFix_6m_Pumpe_30_7
  • Disco_Fix_6_Seitlich
  • Disco_Fix_Arbeitsbreite_3m
  • Disco_fix_3m_TJS_9
  • Disko-Fix_AB_3m
  • Inserat_LOP_LANDWIRT
  • Kalk_TJS



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